Getting ready for the weekend: charging station; NOOK HD+, check; Samsung NOOK, check; ASUS tablet, check; smart phone, check.  

Oooooo getting ready for NaNoWriMo! I am a seat of the pants writer so, in this case, I'm okay. Have a list of ideas and need to select just ONE! Whew.

Listening to Cold/Flu webinar again. Great timing for this webinar as ye olde change of seasons sniffles/scratchy throat have appeared, grrr. This weekend will have a number of people involved so it is good to be prepared. 

Simon is taking some time out of his cat cave to snooze on a chair. He has tried to convince us to let him out of any door )) Silly cat. Luckily he gives up easily and heads back to the food station for another munch.

Happy just about November!


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